
Mike Busch’s Hatchet Man of the Cloth

Rev. Henry Green is Mike Busch’s Hatchet Man

When Speaker of the House Mike Busch needs somebody to fall on a political grenade for him, he turns to the Rev. Henry Green.

The Rev. Henry Green was the pastor of Heritage Baptist Church in Annapolis. He was Speaker Mike Busch’s pastor for many years, developing a close relationship with Busch. So when Busch asked him to run for the House of Delegates last year as a Democrat, he did it without question. Busch needed somebody who he (amusingly) thought could get elected in the most Republican District in Maryland. And Green was his guy.

Rev. Green continued to take up his cross in defense of Mike Busch today. The Capital printed a meandering Busch press release masquerading as an op-ed by Rev. Green (without attribution that Green was previously Busch’s pastor). In it, Green continues the typical Busch and Democratic establishment defense of their profligate spending and financial mismanagement by calling Governor Larry Hogan a “bully” and completely mischaracterizing the  nature of the budget debate going on in Annapolis.

This is just some of the unfettered praise that Green heaps upon Busch:

Contrast their cynical, shortchanging and shortsighted leadership with that of Speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates Michael E. Busch. For decades, Busch has led the fight to fully fund education in our county and the state. He presided over the legislature to reinforce the Thornton Commission and made certain Maryland was No. 1 in the nation in public education. He has been the champion for the arts in Maryland and his support for Maryland Hall has never wavered. Additionally, he supports and fights to fund our police and first responders in Annapolis, Anne Arundel County and throughout the state. His rhetoric is consistent with his values and reflected in the priorities of budgets he supports. He has never shortchanged Maryland or Annapolis!

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I hope he praises the Lord as much as he does Busch.

The rest of the piece is just as poorly written and ill-thought out as the rest of it, filled with half-truths and untruths. Amusingly, Green points out that “Busch was re-elected by his district” either conveniently ignoring the fact that the majority of Marylanders voted for Governor Hogan while Mike Busch didn’t even finish as the top vote-getter in his own District (Republican Herb McMillan did).

Very clearly, Rev. Green might need to reacquaint himself with Exodus 20:16.

While it’s easy to pick on Rev. Green for being a stooge for Speaker Busch, this piece says much more about Speaker Busch. It says:

  1. Speaker Busch and the Democrats are unwilling to work with a strong leader like Governor Hogan;
  2. Governor Hogan’s message is resonating with the people of Maryland;
  3. Speaker Busch is very concerned about his 2018 re-election prospects; and,
  4. That Democrats will turn to anybody, even a man of the cloth, to do their bidding in the name of political expediency.

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