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The Last of Gays 2 is fucking leaked Anonymous 05/14/2020 (Thu) 02:33:46 ID:901805 No. 6145
Old thread was DMCA'd and deleted because Sony are faggots. Remade the thread. http://archive.li/QBlLb
Edited last time by Mark on 05/14/2020 (Thu) 02:34:30.
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Well, time to repost everything.
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Also, what can get your internet connection instantly shoahed in the U.K.?
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Considering that Sony is running this through an English law office, perhaps there's some sort of deterrent to prevent the fags from send another request?
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Actually, couldn't people mix these leaks up with more games NOT owned by Sony, and watch them struggle to claim that they own something like Mickey Mouse or the Wendy's girl?
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has this joke been made yet
>>6195 Lazy niggern
Just upload the files password protected or something (e.g using GPG?) I don't want to see this board die now along with fatchan and the others.
>>6167 >>6169 >>6173 Well, say goodbye to this thread too.
>>6145 The files are nice, but stuff like >>6178 and >>6195 is more effective, as it is easier to distribute and harder to shut down. Gifs and jpegs/pngs are great, because they can be posted almost anywhere with little issue and are hard to stop. Having said that, stuff like >>6148 is great to see. Sony is in massive damage control mode over a turd. By this point, unless this info has yet to be disseminated on social media sites, I would say that most anons are aware of it. If someone knows what d-kikemann has done to the series and is still willing to buy it, then they were going to do so regardless of how pozzed the game is.
Sony are really desperate to get sued for mass illegal DMCAs aren't they?
>>6220 Another one will be made. Soyny has no power over anything.
>>6220 It'll last a few days and then we'll remake it. Maybe longer, depending on how long they take to remember we exist and check for a new thread.
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is this the most pathetic attempt at damage control of the recent years? this game is going to flop HARD
>>6273 how are we going to celebrate when sony files for bankruptcy?
It just keeps getting crazier. Cozy thread
>>6273 >this game is going to flop HARD Normalfags are the core audience for this kind of turd and most of them trust reviewers and e-celebs enough to fall for the upcoming heavy shilling. I don't expect it to flop, but it won't really be a huge success either. Still, i wish it would flop so hard that naughty dog will collapse taking along sony, but it's just a wet dream.
>>6303 Yea I get the feeling the most we can hope for is that it sells below expectation. It'll still be funny when the usual suspects cheer and celebrate for sticking it to the misogynists and then a few months later quietly say how disappointed they were in the sales.
>>6303 these normalfags only buy it so they can watch it like a movie. what's the point if someone spoiled it for them? unless there is some gay reddit movement to "buy the game regardless, to give based naughty dog thanks for creating such a wonderful game!" or something, it will sell well below expectations, especially for a killerap console exclusive
>>6303 >>6305 The leaks have been memed to hard and Sony abusing DMCA against lots of clear fair use material is quickly earning them a worse reputation for this than Nintendo. It will flop. Maybe not hard, but it's a definite bomb.
Do Youtubers have a chance against false DMCA claims if it's a class action suit?
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>>6273 I'd love if this were true, but Rise of Skywalker was a massive success even AFTER the bad reviews came out. Normalfags are actual cattle who just want to consume.
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>>6370 I see Disney movies or Sony games as containment units for fags.
>>6318 >so they can watch it like a movie. True, they aren't after gameplay because it's tedious. >what's the point if someone spoiled it for them? I spoilered this shit to some of them and got instantly blocked. They care much more than they let transpire.
>>6370 >Rise of Skywalker was a massive success It made less of a profit than the Phantom Menace
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>>6370 >Rise of Skywalker was a massive success
>>6474 >>6370 Technically it was a success - for a normal movie. For Star Wars, especially with the amount of time money, and effort they put into to trying to save it, that was fucking Abysmal. They lost roughly half of their fucking audience when all was said and done
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>>6370 It was as much of a success as TLJ was.
>>6487 Rise of Skywalker was a failure even with that in mind. They still haven't recouped the costs of buying the IP from Lucas even after releasing all this trash.
>>6494 >with *without
>>6273 Yes. And yes. >>6275 By making even more companies go bankrupt, of course. >>6303 >>6305 Nah. It will flop completely. The majority of normalfags don't fall for the shilling anymore. Memes exposing the truth replaced marketing and shilling. >>6370 It wasn't, lying shill. And the whole franchise flopped soon after, with normalfags abandoning even the older movies and the franchise as a whole, and now with Jewsney having a loss in the billions (1.4 billions as for this week) and with no one coming back for it. Stop being delusional about companies. They are all fragile and can easily be destroyed simply by typing words on a keyboard.
>>6508 Welcome back Luciano. Would you care to talk about talking dogs (women)?
>>6487 im surprised they could fuck over star wars so easily. They had everything they needed. Decades of books they could cherry pick from and they managed to shit out garbage.
>>6754 I'm reminded of the movie Inception. The plot was that there was a growing monopoly a client of the cast wanted to stop. Their strategy was to invade the mind of the company owner's son who was set to inherit the business shortly and plant an idea in his head that would ruin it. It had to be a positive idea for it to have a good chance of sticking. The idea? "Make it your own." That's exactly what happened with Star Wars. If they had stayed the course and only innovated just enough to stay fresh then they would have had a golden goose that would stay fertile for a very long time. Instead they had to "make it their own" and in doing so killed the goose. This is why the first thing Kathleen Kennedy did was declare the EU non-canon. I'll bet she would have declared the OT and PT non-canon too if she could.
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>>6370 A better example would've been pokemon sun and moon. It sold over 12 million (now 17 million) in spite of garnering massive amounts of controversy and having evidence to back it up post launch.
>>6771 "Make your own" is only conveniently used when deformed kikes and leftards get a hold of other people's creations. They never try to literally "make their own" work from scratch. They always go for what already has a fanbase or have some sort of recognition. But as soon as their incompetency is exposed, they jump to the "muh make your own" sperg trying to force the fallacy that people aren't allowed to have an opinion if they don't work on the same filed as the subhumans that people are criticizing. It is a rather feminine emotional reaction to criticism, and it shows how much of a deformed brain and demented mind those hacks have, resorting to this feminine/demented reaction every single time that their failures are exposed. >>6777 And do you believe them?
>>6777 Sorry, sword and shield.
>>6778 Those were the actual recorded sales.
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>>6778 >>6508 Fuckoff Luciano you Brazilian shitskin, everyday I pray and apologize to the World for what my ancestors brought into this dimension
>>6778 You misread. It is not "make your own" which is every bit as disingenuous as you said. The phrase is "make it your own." The distinction being that one does not need to make their own version of whatever, but does so anyways and in spite of being handed something superior.
>>6778 impotent nigger cant cuck me
>>6336 >>6275 There's talk of a class action from people falsely DMCA'd by Sony and the shell company they're shielding themselves with....
>>6784 You'd think after 4 straight years of going "How do you do, fellow whites" and it just NOT working you'd realize it's time to change tactics, but i guess African genetics really fucks with your ability to think.
>>6771 >Instead they had to "make it their own" and in doing so killed the goose. But to fail on such a level just reeks of serious incompetence. All she had to do was literally copy one of the dozen of fan celebrated books gender swap them and she would of recouped the losses. Now the whole thing is poisoned. For the first time in my life I was embarrassed to be a fan of star wars. Embarrassed to pay to watch it. Now i pray Kotor I-II never gets remade in any form.
>>6873 >He payed for nuStar Wars
>>6880 It was a ticket with friends. I didn't think it was going to be such a cluster fuck.
>>6259 I hope that happens.
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>>6888 >He has friends
>>6796 A lot of people have said that they sue already. Geeks and gamers has already contacted their lawyer and are suing. Just some guy is going to file a lawsuit soon as well but he'll be suing youtube for allowing this as well.
>>6786 That too. Some of them carve to "leave their mark", or are simply control freaks (like the impotent deformed cake kike) who can't take a step without trying to imprint everything with "their own", ruining everything in the process. >>6873 >But to fail on such a level just reeks of serious incompetence. That is what every woman does.
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my fucking sides, I had heard about the spoilers already but this is pure gold
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>2020 >the state of amerimutt vidya
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>>6987 As if the nose didn't give it away, anon
>>6796 >>6931 Isn't misusing the DMCA not just a civil violation but also a criminal act and a federal one at that?
>>7054 It is sony have violated several state and federal laws as well as a multitude of international one so even non-americans can sue the shit out of them.
>>7055 Now who has the shekels to launch a lawsuit?
>>7058 Some lawyers will do it without up front payment if they are sure that you can win a lawsuit, with the understanding that they'll get part of the settlement if they win. If you use this agreement you usually don't have to pay if you lose.
>>7054 >>7055 Guess who lobbied hard for DMCA laws.
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>>6987 More barf material here lads, oh excuse me I meant stunning and brave
>>7062 >>7067 How appropriate
>>7067 The only plot elements I heard from those leaks are people killing each other and people fucking each other. Sounds like a shitty French TV movie with extra killing.
>>7067 Sony won't only anime style games but this is allowed? Where's the logic i ask
>>6186 >55 hours week >It's alright I'm working for videogames No wonder vidya is so shitty now if cucks like that are all that is left.
>>7141 The vast majority of jobs shouldn't require you working more than 40 hours a week and even that is way too much imo, you're only awake for 96 hours every workweek. This means from Monday to Friday this guy is spending most of his waking time at work. Fucking wagie.
>>6472 >>6474 >>6487 It grossed over a billion fucking dollars, what the fuck are you all on about?
>>7153 It cost more to make than any of the Prequels and made less. The Last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker also made less than the Force Awakens, 1 Billion less. Meanwhile capeshit rose from 1 Billion to 3 Billionin subsequent movies. In the eyes of a public company pushing for ever increasing growth, it's a failure, that's besides the fact that Star Wars is essentially a franchise, not just movies and merchandise makes even more money. Or at least it made, thanks to Disney, none of the merchandise is selling. It's all about context
>>7153 >Muh gross How fucking retarded are you? Is this very first discussion you've ever had about the financial success of anything ever?
>>7162 >Stating how much it grossed over how much it profited No doubt
>>7157 Come on anon don't you want a Rose Tico action figure or Commander Hux? One note characters that do fuck all in the movies.
>>7153 >>7157 >>7162 It's a financial success in terms of surpassing its budget despite TLJ being infamous for terrible writing and Ryan Johnson being a massive faggot towards the people who criticized it. But overall the films failed to grow the sales of sequels after TLJ (especially the Han Solo movie)..toys and goods, and DVD sales dropped significantly as wells. The films are successful enough to get people going to theaters picking up a DVD case to see it, but it fails to meet sales expectation from the marketers.
>>7184 >It's a financial success in terms of surpassing its budget Sure, but this isn't an original IP. You have to account for how Disney dropped a massive amount of dosh just to acquire Star Wars. Also, what was the second movie that Disney pulled ticket shenanigans with? I know Captain Marvel had theatres that sold a ton of tickets in massive blocks all at once to all the worst seats in the theatrs as a clear and possibly illegal attempt to boost the percieved success of the film, but I swore there was one other movie they did this for and I can't recall if it was something Star Wars.
>>7192 Don't forge the amount they blew on the starwars part of disney land that no-one wanted to visit.
>>6370 I think it's fair to say that if you have facial hair *and* action figures you're not a man.
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>>6987 >>7022 It couldn't be more merchant.
>>7140 In the minds of retards anime = pedo. Stick a normalfag in front of any anime with cute girls and they will curl up inside, all they see is the porn that people have made of every girl anime character after the fact.
>>7170 That's not true anon, they managed to be both annoying and wreck any sense of immersion one might have had by being unbelievable and totally out of place. Quite the achievement.
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>>7153 Did you even read the image I posted?
>>7153 And it costed even more to make and to buy the IP in the first place, so it was a failure even accounting the money that it made. The amount of money earned means nothing if they spent more than they earned. Go learn basic math, shill. And it is not just Star Wars. Disney is losing money on all their fronts, including capeshit and merchandising for both Star Wars and capeshit: https://invidio.us/watch?v=kRowZ9PReVw >>7184 Not really. Disney was also caught buying their own tickets, using 3 shell companies, for Star Wars movies and for the Captain Feminist and Nigger Panther movies. People weren't interested in going to theaters to watch it. Disney paid for their own product in order to inflate the numbers. And, above all this: Disney lost a lot of money buying Star Wars from Lucas. And they didn't recover that money yet. Everything related to Star Wars from Disney made them lose money, and not profit ever since they bought the IP. Also, this >>7195 Covered in the above video. >>7192 As i said above, it was Nigger Panther and the Star Wars movies after the Han Solo movie. >>7198 Don't forget the freaky combed hair and glasses. And lack of manhood/physical fitness.
>>7413 >captain feminist is it bad I don't even know which one you are talking about? >nigger panther wasn't that one really popular with the niggers, tho? and self hating beta male whites, I guess? I thought it was a success
>>7435 Not sure how much it cost, but expected gross probably included China since they released there, and China fucking hated it. They advertised in China with only the mask on, so no one in China knew it was about niggers.
>>7138 >The only plot elements I heard from those leaks are people killing each other and people fucking each other. Well it's not like it has interesting gameplay that can be spoiled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYgNzBZK0uM
>>7413 >Disney loses billions because they still think selling pozzed garbage to the general public is a good idea. Now if they could only lose millions when making any crap marvel movie or show, then I would be very pleased to know that Disney will stop making films and television shows.
>>7535 >>7413 Disney has literally lost billions of dollars since the start of COVID. Their cruise lines, theme parks, and destination getaways are all FUCKED. Movie releases are FUCKED.
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>>7435 Captain Marvel was such shit, I'm convinced it was crafted as an excuse to have one of the capetrash films pass the Bechdel test. >old woman makes experimental jet engine no >old woman then gives jet engine to 2 female fighter pilots nope >one of whom is a nigger Need I go on?
>>7547 >Movie releases are FUCKED. Don't forget the fact that theaters are stating that they will not be showing ANY AND ALL films made by companies who digitally released a theatrical film by streaming it: http://archive.vn/BgTyv
>>7547 That is a pleasing corollary of all this virus guff. Disney have made a fucking pigs ear of SW, though it was already rendered half trash by the PT, the critical mass of shit it contains now outweighs the passable by far.
>>7435 I have been calling the movie Captain Feminist for so long that i genuinely forgot the character's name. It was that blonde girl that looked like a female Superman who was also on Marvel vs Crapcom Infinity. Her movie and Nigger Panther movie were two of the many movies that got exposed as being flops with Disney buying their own tickets in order to pretend that they were successful. Star Wars Han Solo and all SW movies after that showed up in the investigation. There were unconfirmed reports that this practice went all the way back to the live action demake of Beauty and The Beast with Hermione. The live action demake of Lion King was also under investigation for the same practice from Disney. Basically, for years, the mouse have been buying it's own tickets to inflate numbers for investors. >>7535 Soon they will. The fallacy of "too big to fail" was already proven false. They are only still in business by the sheer desperation of some of the jews owning them, whom are all losing so much money that they can't maintain the facade anymore. The soon-to-be-bankrupt corporation is operating on debt and borrowed money already. People forget that the bigger companies get, the more they spend to keep being big. One single mistake, and everything is destroyed overnight: Disney Loses 1.4 BILLION & Stocks TANK! They Scramble To Open Parks ASAP! https://invidio.us/watch?v=3Cj8kmkGyjo Disney Has MONEY Problems! Borrows 6 BILLION to PAY Down Debts https://invidio.us/watch?v=waJ0gTYOgM8 >>7547 Yes.
>>7604 >Theaters pissed at Universal for streaming movies I've recently started to trade on the (((stock market))) so this might be useful information in a few weeks or months, thank you. >>7608 I have had nothing but good fortune because of this. I still have a shitty retail job, but with a paid premium, and bus fare is free right now. Not to mention additional GST checks and some other things. Oh, and people are more likely to leave you the fuck alone now too. >>7609 I was going to make a point of Yidsney being "too big too fail" because they're (unfortunately) a cornerstone of American copyright law and media culture. But, all things come to an end, and if they cannot extend copyright again because of being poorfags and unable to lobby enough, I will be very pleased.
>>7611 >if they cannot extend copyright again because of being poorfags and unable to lobby enough, I will be very pleased. Anon... They spent $71.3 BILLION (With a "B") buying Fox last year. If Disney wasn't already broke buy that point, they certainly now.
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>>7615 I'm looking up their financials right now, just to see, and I saw this and all my lads and I cannot WEW hard enough http://archive.is/iXB9f http://archive.is/lezCM
Speaking of Yidsney isn't the Muttmerican Goobyment injecting some cash into it right now? I heard they were asking for bailout funds
On the offtopic subject of Disney, it pains me to know that their fast approaching decline will be blamed on Covid when it was starting to happen due to their own agenda pushing and incompetence anyways. More than a few woke games and companies will pull this card too, likely including The Trannies of Us. >>7609 >Star Wars Han Solo and all SW movies after that showed up in the investigation. >The live action demake of Lion King was also under investigation for the same practice from Disney. Wait, there's an actual investigation? How far along is it and has it bled Yidsney any money yet?
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>>7623 Warren Buffet was known to inject cash like crazy for investment purposes during hard times, but he didn't touch anything yet because the FED is injecting literally trillions into the economy. As for Disney, their asset numbers are available here, just expand the columns. During the last twelve months, they have between $10 and $14.6 billion cash left. They have maybe $28 billion in things they could liquidate, and $165 billion in things they could sell with difficulty (IPs, real estate, vehicles, subsidiaries, that sort of shit). https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/DIS/balance-sheet?p=DIS https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/DIS/cash-flow?p=DIS Look at pic related though. Only 0.20% of their outstanding shares are owned by people in employment of Disney. This is a very healthy sign for a company. 66% of their shares are owned by financial institutions, and the remaining 33% by private investors. Blackrock Inc., for example, holds $11 billion of Disney's outstanding shares as an investment instrument. If any of those listed companies dump any quantity of Disney's shares, it will probably make a lot of people uncertain. Keep your ears out for any news articles like that, and they'll probably start dying a death of a thousand cuts
>>7624 They rented our several cinemas to only show these movies as well.
>>7609 I think Disney has borrow over 15 billion dollars in total so far in order to survive the shutdown. I dunno, it keeps rising so it's hard to keep track. Also let's not forget that they spent 70 billion on Fox, and that stuff is only making them a profit of a few million.
>>7668 Almost half of their revenue stills comes from parks. Parks that are totally fucked right now. Failure of star wars isnt making it easier. Star wars was one of biggest merch movers ever. Now nobody is buying those toys. Disney + is also bust, it's more like Disney no content +. Only thing going for them is mandalorian s2 that they are hyping up.
>>7718 I doubt TV shows are going to save Disney considering that the views for the mandalorian and merch isn't selling enough merch for them to recover their financial loses. Either Disney goes bankrupt or maybe the consequences for their decisions will forced them back into 2D animation without the pozzed shit.
>>7724 I my money is for splitting up disney. Park side, studios and tv comppany. Even their tv side is hurting. ESPN is getting silly and desperate. Now their ufc deal seems idiotic.
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I think it would be nice to finally see the mouse put to rest. It's been a long while since Disney's been about making children smile. >>7620 kek. Seeing adults type "n-word" reminds me how childish the whole world has become treating "nigger" like bobby just said the f-word.
>>7726 Disney wasted a ton of money buying Fox when they really only wanted to get the X-Men and a few of the Marvel properties they didn't own, so expect them to sell off Fox in the future now that they have what they wanted
>>7993 Who would buy fox studios right now. Espesily if it dosent come whit Hulu share or IP that matter?
>>7624 It started with this: https://archive.is/5zkea And yes. If you read my previous post or watch the videos, you will see that Disney has no money anymore and is operating solely on borrowed money. They lost all their reserves. Of course the higher ups took most of that money, but 90% of the operatives, including CEOs, lost everything and are surviving on debt and nothing else. Considering their wasteful lifestyle, you will soon see many of them either committing suicide or having everything taken away from them in order to pay their debts.
>>8015 >It started with this: >And yes. If you read my previous post or watch the videos, you will see that Disney has no money anymore and is operating solely on borrowed money. That's not what I'm asking you dumb nigger.
>>8001 No one, thus they'd probably have to sell cheap and end up losing even more money. The big nigger streaming wars are still going on, we'll see what happens after that.
>>8127 So next tumblar deal.
>mark actually deleted a thread because of dmca Is he retarded?
>>8161 >expecting a jew to leave himself wide open to legal liability Are you?
>>8166 go play deus ex
>>8166 Aren't jews completely immune to the legal system.
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>>8183 Who do you think created the legal system?
>>8185 The Greeks, specifically the Athenians, you fucking idiot.
>>8166 >thinking sony owns every post on this site
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>>8221 Anyone with half a brain can see that the DMCA claims are bullshit. Anyone with half a brain can also see that Sony can put a lot more money in a courtroom than a homeless NEET and a gun store clerk can. So unless one of the local shitposters here turns out to be sitting on a pile of fuck-you money that they're willing to burn on fighting frivolous copyright lawsuits, the jew will do what he does best: Obey the letter of the law and blatantly ignore the spirit of it.
>>8236 Faggot should get in on a class action suit. I'm sure there's one brewing.
>>8236 The letter of the law is fine. Subverting a specific interpretation (like Apple lawyers trying to copyright a click as "a zero-length swipe" for infringement claims) is cancer
>>8273 The letter of the law subverts the spirit of the law, anon.
BUMP!! FORE!!!!!11111 🏌🏻‍♀️💥🧔🏻
>>8185 >Who do you think created the legal system? It doesn't matter who created it. What matters is who owns it now, and as far as i can tell, that seems to be the Rosenthals and Goldbergs..
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Oh no muh zionazi shitty exclusive Mutherfacking Kek
>>7865 Better still when they say 'the r word' or 'the f word' for faggot. I wonder if you could trigger them into banning the letters RNF for retarded nigger faggot?
>>10319 somebody needs to dump an imugr here(I like the manhunt one especially)
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>>10461 there is actually a MEGA link in the description. Not gonna dump them one by one, cause there is over a thousand of them already, here are some of my favorites
>>10483 All these edits are oh so wonderful.
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>>10484 I'm surprised there is so many of them, and so varied, too(videogames, animes, movies, board culture ect.). It's embarrassing that cuckchanners are making all this OC while we are stuck bumping dead threads and being involved with gay ops tranny drama(like with julay.world, which banned these threads to begin with)
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>>10489 Give things time to settle and we can churn out OC for the next happening. This shit literally appeared at the worst time for an organized response. Best thing you can do is contribute to discussion, bide time, and if you know any former anons who took a break get them back here. Try to enjoy the downtime. It's better than being overrun by cuckchanners.
>>10489 >being surprised by oldchan having more OC This site is smaller and the userbase isn't significantly better (as proven by all the drama up to now), what did you expect?
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forgot to post the manhunt one that anon requested, I guess
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>>10489 Even /mu/ related stuff was made
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>>10498 Vid related was made on julay, tho. the first thread had an anon posting stills from the intro(the armstrong edit), and the vid shortly into the second one, and now, it's circulated by cuckchanners pretty regularly. At least give us some credit
>>10828 It wasn't It was made by a cuckhanner on jewtube
>>10853 proofs?
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The most ridiculous thing is how shills are trying to subvert the narrative pushing hard the idea that people hate this shitty game only because Joel dies and that people are fine with all the faggot/jewish propaganda, as if Joel dying is the problem and not how an actual jew is subverting and killing what used to be a good company to push his zionist agenda.
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>>10483 >>10489 >>10499 >>10550 >>10551 Why are they choking out Nick Cage?
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>>12004 >comparing The Cage to an intentionally-made-ugly lesbian from the goys of us. BLASPHEMER
>>11988 (checked) this
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cries upvotes
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>>10551 Thanks for reminding there will never be a non-cancerous or dead /mu/ ever again.
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>>7628 >Blackrock Inc., for example, holds $11 billion Interesting observation, Blackrock Inc the investment firm that will Manage a $750 Billion Corporate Bond Bailout Program for the fed.This firm has some of the largest investment grade corporate bond ETFs and is now managing a taxpayer-subsidized bailout.The federal reserve does not see any conflict of interest here, Blackrock Inc can bailout Disney, prop up its shares then sell them for a profit.According to the “Terms of Assignment” the New York Fed released, BlackRock will be allowed to buy up its own corporate bond ETFs as well as those of its competitors and another Interesting point to note, Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, has Upwards of $11.6 Million Invested with BlackRock. Why do burgers tolerate this nonsense?????
>>12257 The masses are uneducated and the smart ones are Jews or have to play by their rules
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>>12235 I ashamed but admit that at the time the first TLOU was teased i was hyped and genuinely thought it was going to be a great game since NaughtyDog was yet to be subverted (also thanks to the bullshit gameplay video with the AI the seemed revolutionary but turned out to be fake) but when i finally played it i was left underwhelmed and disappointed, good graphics apart the game was just bland and the story was derivative and already done to death. How people can still praise that game is beyond me, is like these people never played any actual good game or any other game apart from it.
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>>12258 > the smart ones are Jews regarding your statement about the masses being uneducated, that is true but there is a big difference between intelligence and collusion. considering israel's influence in the mideast is waning (http://archive.is/xy2rL) and that they have eternally pissed off every nation around them, it doesn't seem very "smart" of the kikes to push the one nation that provides the majority of their economic and military security to the brink of economic collapse. it seems like this is another example in a long line of historic examples of jews making poor decisions; maybe its genetic. the only thing I know for sure is that jewish arrogance will be the downfall of the jews.
the juden crash and burn. what a glorious time to be alive.
>>12303 Sure. My point wasnt that they're smart, but that they're malicious and manipulative
>>12319 understood
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If you want to have fun guys, here's the template.
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>>10461 I didn't think it was possible, but Squilliam just got replaced.
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>>12503 >templates. Oh well it's not like we have an E3 to do it any more.
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>Troy Baker >Voice of Joel >just a couple of screenshots >developer has won awards Absolutely disgusting.
Look what made a special appearance in the game
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>>14795 >Pozzed game who's bad PR will affect sales. >Naughty Dog DMCA Sony's Playstation Youtube Channel. >TLOU2 advertises for the Switch. What the fuck is going on?
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>>14862 >The Switch You're just fucking around, right?
>>14868 >>14862 >advertises That's called an easter egg. Remember those, or are you too young ?
>>14868 It looks more like a Switch than a Vita. Probably meant to be a Vita might be the shitty 3D modeling tho. Looks like a Switch so another fuck up by ND. >>14872 Dumb Easter Egg if its meant to be a Switch. Sony is gonna flip.
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>>14862 It looks more like a Vita than a Switch. Apparently elevens still release games for the system, but it's mostly ports. I couldn't find a better image with a Switch on the side
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>>14292 he looks like such a faggot, holy shit
>>14292 This isn't surprising honestly, but I don't remember much about him being pozzed all I remember is that he was a part of a group of voice actors who went on strike for a higher pay.
>>14874 >>14862 It's the 1000 model, which was thicker, but it still clearly has those notches on the bottom that I put my pinkies on small hands. Regardless its just a small easter egg, the vita was on some sony produced shows earlier in the decade. This was from the state of play that was entirely pointless aside from them buying time until release.
Surprise surprise, the game got downgraded from it's 2017 demo. And these are the fucking cinematics https://invidio.us/watch?v=U9HOGMrLU0M
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Man what a fucking disaster, Andromeda was nothing in comparison.
>>14887 To be honest seeing a Vita in the game makes me fucking rage. Sony never marketed that machine right and it was the best console they ever made full fucking stop. But normalfags that have never heard of the Vita will think its a Switch, and thats all on Sony.
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>>15224 >only thing I know for real >leaving out the "there will be blood" that comes immediately afterwards
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>>15623 looking forward to how bad it'll be
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>>12096 >Implying Nicholas Cage isn't ugly as shit
>>15725 >shitting on Nicholas Cage
>>15728 All his movies are trash.
>>16021 >shitting on Lord of War You know nothing.
So they delayed it for October now after the summer and September when most people buy their games
>>14795 That one got to me. Also, the game being hotline miami and it's supposedly 25 years into this dystopia. How can you maintain a Vita, get it working for 25 years in a world where there are monsters made of spores? That seems ever more unrealistic than being able to get HRT or sex change or having gay sex in an apocalypse. I guess in a lefties mind, those are priorities instead of keeping humanity alive or finding a cure which is what I thought was the point of the first game.
>>18106 to be fair, if it was an OG Gameboy you'd have no room for complaint
>>8205 try Hammurabi in Babylon
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>>16021 So? They're fun movies, usually. Nick Cage is the cult hit guy who shows up to make a shit movie less shit and his overacting in his b-movie roles usually makes the movie. In the blockbusters he was in, he knows how to pull the ham back and suit the role. He's been in some shit movies, but he's also been in a shitload of movies. An actual working actor, unlike the mega-celeb actors who don't know how to act for shit and only come in because of the name.
>>18145 So, jews.
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>>16021 >Lord of War >Faceoff >Kickass >The Rock >Leaving Las Vegas Nah, and the schlocky D movie films hes making to pay off his debts are even better. His over the top performances are a mirror of his mental state.
>>7620 >>7615 >Public domain kicks in at 95 years of date of publication >steamboat willy, and thus Mickey Mouse, released in 1928 >Mickey Mouse goes public domain in 2023 >disney is so fucking broke they won't be able to pay off the legal system to let them keep their shekel rat Good things come to those who wait.
>>19715 Nick Cage is a litmus test for movies. If you put him in a genuinely good movie with a good script and director, he can fucking excel and elevate it. Put him in a moderately bad movie and he’ll be so over the top bad it’s great. >>19745 I want this to happen just to see how many weird cartoons and games he appears in. Mickey Mouse could be the next Touhou if Disney isn’t careful. Not like Walt’s spirit is anywhere near that company
>>19745 (((Blackrock))), a private equity firm, has been contracted by the FED to sell corporate debt investments, including for companies they have positions in such as Disney. It's not that they're too big too fail, there's just too many bad actors that need it to not fail.
>>19797 Walt Disney's spirit is shitposting with us right now!
>>19811 They will all fail, nonetheless. They are losing any influence that they might had. And they never had any real power to begin with. Only perceived power, which is now vanishing quickly. They will all go down, no matter what they try. >>19812 Amen.
Is TLOU 1 shit or mediocre?
>>20258 Guns were the best part of TLOU 1. Everything else was subpar.
>>20258 Couldn’t stand the game to get that far in, and that’s coming from someone who enjoyed Uncharted 2 and 3. TLOU was overrated as hell. >>20271 Basically that. Didn’t play much to experience the guns a lot but what I did was good.
>>12260 >>6145 so which spoilers are the right ones?
Well the reviews are up and there are notable missing shills that aren't praising it that much in Polygon and Kotaku. Also IGN Japan and Vice. It's about what you expected based on the leaks. It's a petty revenge story that ignores what happened in the previous game and to the characters. Polygon http://archive.is/g3hRg Kotaku http://archive.is/wRvL2
>>20271 I liked the melee combat/sounds. I have a short little memory of that game that I will never forget, where I caved in some scavenger's skull with a brick I had on the ground, and the MC is grunting and cursing under his breath in a pretty believable way. It looked brief and brutal and I liked it. Everything else wasn't as bad as everyone here likes to pretend it was, but it certainly wasn't as good as every (((journo))) likes to pretend it was.
>>34853 It's a good movie if you completely ignore the dlc.
>>6195 How can it have ratings? Is sony manipulating the score or has it already been released somewhere?
>>6148 Is there a page with all DMCA info in plain text like on 8kun?

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