Trippie Redd Reveals Tracklist & Artwork for 'Life's A Trip'

On the heels of his XXL Freshman Freestyle.

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Shortly after XXL shared Trippie Redd‘s Freshman Freestyle, the Ohio native took to his Instagram to share the potential tracklist for his forthcoming project. The draft currently sees nine tracks with possible cover artwork and a title of Life’s a Trip. Expected to be around 26 songs, he’s officially marking this as his first album following previous works such as A Love Letter to You and A Love Letter to You 2.

Take a look at what Trippie Redd has shared below and let us know what you expected from his debut album. Fans can also check in on his recent track “How You Feel” and “Ghost Busters” which features the likes of Quavo, Ski Mask The Slump God and the late XXXTentacion.

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