BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:10 P.M.) – The Russian Air Force destroyed over ten vehicles belonging to the Turkish-backed militants in northern Syria on Thursday, Moscow announced around 4:00 P.M. (Damascus Time).

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, their air force destroyed one militant tank, six armored vehicles, and five other vehicles during their attack in the Syrian governorate of Idlib on Thursday.

No further details were released by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

This latest claim comes at the same time that the Turkish-backed militants, alongside allied jihadists, attempt to capture the town of Nayrab in the Idlib countryside.

The first wave of the attack was reportedly repelled by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA); however, the Turkish-backed militants are attacking once again and attempting to enter the town from its eastern axis.

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2020-02-20 22:21

i hope russia kill all those extremists terrorists mercenaries of erdogan

Nestor Arapa
Famed Member
Nestor Arapa
2020-02-20 18:43

De ser cierto, así debe de actuar Rusia para apoyar al pueblo Sirio.

Tyler Vincent
Tyler Vincent
2020-02-21 06:04

Pure suicide, Jewhadists stand no chance

2020-02-20 18:48

congratulation to Russia air force.

2020-02-21 02:48