Jihadist forces mainly comprised of Nour al-Deen al-Zinki movement and Jabhat al-Nusra launched a huge counter-attack to recapture the areas they conceded to the government troops in north Aleppo.The attack was launched from the southern Mallah farms and Arab Salloum toward central Mallah.

Unfortunately for them, the Syrian Army’s elite Tiger Forces were well-positioned and prepared for the attack. After losing a tank and a BMP vehicle, the assaulting jihadists were forced to withdraw.

Syrian army military source reported an estimated death toll of 20 jihadists in this failed attack. Currently, the Tiger Force’s successful advances put them in control of at least 65% of the al-Mallah farms.

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2016-07-05 09:29

This is Tiger Forces people…. the best of the best in the syriam army alongaide with suqur al sahraa…..they will have tought time making them to retreat (if they dont want to )

2016-07-05 12:58

@leithfadel https://t.co/hlI0MSzqLa

2016-07-05 12:55

@leithfadel #SAA take several points in south Mallah farms despite attempts by #Jaish_Fateh to repel attack #Aleppo

Daeshbags Sux
Daeshbags Sux
2016-07-05 14:11

Just a few hundred meters to Sheikh Maqsud…

Daeshbags Sux
Daeshbags Sux
2016-07-05 14:12
Reply to  Daeshbags Sux

Well, time to call the White Swan (Tu-160) for a carpet bombing?