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Sharks are the guardians of the ocean.

And they need our help. They take care of a system that is so vital to our quality of life and, ultimately, to our survival. Humanity has not been good to sharks, but we can change that now. We can stop the destruction, reverse the damage, take a stand for what is right, and fight against what hurts us all. We must focus on action, and change the way we treat sharks and the ocean. The outcome is up to all of us.


Priority Campaigns


Stop The Fin Trade

Ending the sale and trade of shark fins globally. We are focused on Florida state legislation and assisting efforts in the European Union.

Hollywood Sharks

How can sharks benefit from their star power? As a Los Angeles based organization, we have tapped into the entertainment industry.

Shark Free Products

Sharks are used in countless products despite existing sustainable alternatives: squalene, vaccines, cosmetics, supplements, shark meat, souvenirs and fish oil.

Sharks Alive

The economic value of a live shark. Protected sharks represent a renewable resource that can continue fueling the economy for years to come.


Programs & Resources


Knowledge Base

Blogs, Research and Media.

Dive trips

Guadalupe Island and Beyond.

Extinction Soup



“More Like Jimmy.”


News & Blogs