Semiregular Tessellation


Regular tessellations of the plane by two or more convex regular polygons such that the same polygons in the same order surround each polygon vertex are called semiregular tessellations, or sometimes Archimedean tessellations. In the plane, there are eight such tessellations, illustrated above (Ghyka 1977, pp. 76-78; Williams 1979, pp. 37-41; Steinhaus 1999, pp. 78-82; Wells 1991, pp. 226-227). Williams (1979, pp. 37-41) also illustrates the dual tessellations of the semiregular tessellations. The dual tessellation of the tessellation of squares and equilateral triangles is called the Cairo tessellation (Williams 1979, p. 38; Wells 1991, p. 23).

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