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Ken Turns 40

April 22, 2021

Every chess master was once a beginner—Irving Chernev

Ken Regan started his Ph.D. 40 years ago from Oxford, in complexity theory, advised by Dominic Welsh. Ken continues to be a researcher in complexity theory, a teacher of computer science, a mentor of graduate students, a writer of books and more. He has long been on the faculty of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Buffalo.

Today I thought I would thank Ken for his many wonderful accomplishments.

Ken is a great friend and long time co-author of mine. We also write this blog together. He has done many things—one colorful thing is the poster. Ken is a strong chess player—a chess International Master just below the grandmaster level and rated at 2372—roughly.

We will highlight his continued work in complexity theory and his work in detecting chess cheating.

Complexity Theory

Ken and I have just released a second edition of our book on quantum algorithms: Introduction to Quantum Algorithms Via Linear Algebra, Second Edition

Quantum computing explained in terms of elementary linear algebra, emphasizing computation and algorithms and requiring no background in physics. This introduction to quantum algorithms is concise but comprehensive, covering many key algorithms. It is mathematically rigorous but requires minimal background and assumes no knowledge of quantum theory or quantum mechanics.

I must add that Ken did the lion share of the work on writing this second edition.

Please note a special offer: Buy one, get another for full price.

In another part of complexity theory, Ken has just had a paper accepted: Multi-Structural Games and Number of Quantifiers with Ronald Fagin, Jonathan Lenchner, and Nikhil Vyas. This will appear at LICS 2021 this summer.

The paper defines a new type of game that captures the number of quantifies needed for certain properties. This is neat—see the paper for details.

Chess Cheating—How?

The area of detecting chess cheating is one that Ken works in. Moreover he is perhaps the leader in the world. That is the leader in detecting when a player cheated at playing chess.

What is this? In games like poker, games that rely on cards, it is long been an issue that people can cheat. Cards can be marked for example. The dealer can try and control what cards a player gets. These are ancient issues for card games.

What is this for chess? The pieces cannot be marked to any advantage: a king is king, a pawn is a pawn and so on. But a player can cheat in a simple manner. They can use the moves of a computer program instead of their own. The problem in chess is that computer programs currently play at a level vastly higher than even a strong player. Stockfish, a top program, plays at around 3551.

Recall Ken is around 2372. That places him via the Elo rating at IM:

  • 2500-2700 most Grandmasters (GM)

  • 2400-2500 most International Masters (IM) and some Grandmasters (GM)

  • 2300-2400 most FIDE Masters (FM) and some International Masters (IM)

  • 2200-2300 FIDE Candidate Masters (CM), most national masters

Note: the computer therefore plays much better than all known GM’s.

Chess Cheating—Detecting?

Enter Ken. He has been studying how to detect whether or not a player is using a computer’s moves rather than their own moves. He has worked on this for many years, with good success. Note: this is a real problem:

In one chess tournament, five of the top six were disqualified for cheating. In another, the doting parents of 10-year-old competitors furiously rejected evidence that their darlings were playing at the level of the world No 1.

An obvious idea is to not let a player have access to any computer. This is naive for several reasons:

  1. A player can use their cellphone secretly—in the toilet?

  2. A player could conceal the computer on themselves—computers are small?

  3. A player could be playing chess online—impossible to stop them?

Chess Cheating—How to Detect

This led Ken to consider the following problem: Suppose that some player makes a series of moves during a game. Check how well their moves agree with Stockfish or some other computer program. Then claim the player cheated provided they agree too often with the program.

This sounds simple. Compare the computer’s move and the player’s moves. If these agree too often then say the player has cheated.

Simple. Unfortunately not. There are many complications:

  1. In chess sometimes moves are “in book”. Especially at the beginning the best move may be well known.

  2. In chess sometimes moves are “forced”. There may be a unique legal move.

  3. A player may only use the computer when the position is “hard”.

  4. The computer may suggest several moves. These moves may all be about the same quality.

Clearly all these make the problem—did the player cheat—complex. Difficult. A further complicating factor is that even a weak player will sometimes randomly agree with the computer. That is even a weaker player can make a great move.

Perhaps the shock is that Ken has been able to build software that is able to correctly decide when a player cheated or not. His method is good enough that it is used in practice on real players. It has led to actual penalties on players, and has saved others from false claims.

I must add that his software is quite impressive. The test to see if a player cheated involves the running of chess computer programs. These programs like Stockfish were made to be used by one player. They were not designed to be used as a subroutine in an automated search. Perhaps for a complexity theorist Ken might have a top ranking for writing the most real programs.

Open Problems

Correction: Ken is 40th from Princeton as an undergrad. Ken is 35th from Oxford for Ph.D. See Ken on a 40th Reunion for Princeton Class of ’81 panel [Ken: A one-word fix did the trick, changing “obtained” to “started” in the first sentence. It’s a Trans-Pond-er difference: I count as ’81 both at Princeton and Oxford (Merton College) because the latter goes by the starting year. The photo is from Glenveagh Castle, Ireland, on a June 2019 trip with my family.]

Ken says: “The pandemic has brought me as much work in a single day as I have had in a year previously,” said Prof Kenneth Regan, an international chess master and computer scientist whose model is relied on by the sport’s governing body, FIDE, to detect suspicious patterns of play. “It has ruined my sabbatical.”

See this article for more detail on Ken’s work. This is by Howard Goldowsky.

Summing Up the Primes

April 18, 2021

Given the millennia that people have contemplated prime numbers, our continuing ignorance concerning the primes is stultifying—Richard Crandall and Carl Pomerance

Sources: her site, Oberlin interview

Lola Thompson is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Utrecht University. She did her 2012 PhD thesis, Products of Distinct Cyclotomic Polynomials, under Pomerance at Dartmouth. Of course, she works in number theory. Her thesis is numbered {0} on her publications page.

Today we thought we would highlight a recent result of hers and its connections to complexity theory—indeed, to the realm of {\mathsf{P}} vs. {\mathsf{NP}} and beyond.

The interview linked below her photo at right includes these words:

Even [as an undergrad math major], I didn’t see myself having a future as a mathematician. I think that part of the issue was that I had never seen a female mathematician (none of my math professors at UChicago were women). A major turning point came when my department sent me to the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women In Mathematics (NCUWM). While at NCUWM, I received a huge amount of encouragement. The idea of going to graduate school and becoming a mathematics professor had never occurred to me. It was also extremely helpful for me to see examples of female mathematicians. For the first time, I could imagine myself as a mathematician!

She is paying that forward in mentoring women. See this poster for Utrecht’s hosting of next year’s 4th Women in Numbers – Europe conference, which is affiliated to the Women in Number Theory network. I also like her comments on undergraduate education here.

The paper is joint with Harald Helfgott. The key “players” are the Möbius function and the Mertens function—named for August Möbius and for Franz Mertens.

The Key Players

The Möbius function was invented by Möbius in 1832. It is an important function throughout number theory. It is denoted by {\mu(n)}:

  • {\mu(n) = 1} if n is a square-free positive integer with an even number of prime factors.
  • {\mu(n) = -1} if n is a square-free positive integer with an odd number of prime factors.
  • {\mu(n) = 0} if n has a squared prime factor.

It is multiplicative:

\displaystyle  \mu(1) = 1


\displaystyle  \mu(ab) = \mu(a)\mu(b)

when {a} and {b} are co-prime.

Think of {\mu(n)} as a function that returns {-1,0,+1}, which reveals important information about {n}. The {M(x)} part is the Mertens function, which gives average-like information on the value of {\mu(n)} for {0 \le n \le x}:

\displaystyle  M(x) = \sum_{n \le x} \mu(n).

Of course {M(x)/x} is exactly the average value.

A key property of the Möbius function is:

\displaystyle  \sum_{d | n} \mu(d) = 0

unless {n=1} then the sum is {1}.

Computing {M(x)}—the easy way

Computing {\mu(n)} for one value {n} seems to rely on the factorization of {n}. Thus even computing it at a single value could be hard. That is it could require super-polynomial time in worst case. Clearly computing {M(x)} is even harder:

\displaystyle  M(x+1)-M(x) = \mu(x+1).

One way to compute {M(x)} is via complexity theory. This is not what Thompson does.

Theorem 1 Suppose that {\mathsf{P = \#P}}. Then we can compute {M(x)} in time polynomial in {\log(x)}.

This would be an exponential improvement over Thompson’s result. It probably shows how unlikely it is to get this collapse. But this is still open.

Recall a set {S} is in {P} provided given {x} one can decide whether {x} is in the set {S} in time polynomial in {\log x}. Recall {\mathsf{\#P}} given {N} computes the function that counts how many {x \le N} are in {S} also in time polynomial in {\log x}. Certainly counting is at least as hard as deciding membership in {S}. We believe that in general it is much harder. Assuming they are equal means that any predicate that can be computed in polynomial time can also be exactly counted. For example:

  1. Given a graph: One can count the number of spanning trees.
  2. Given a graph: One can count the number of three colorings of the graph.
  3. Given a polynomial equation: One can count the number of solutions.
  4. And so on.

The conjecture is that {\mathsf{P}} is not equal to {\mathsf{\#P}}. If {\mathsf{P = \#P}}, then {\mathsf{P=NP}} and more. Thus it probably is the case that they are not equal. But like much of complexity theory, this is wide open.

Computing {M(x)}—the hard way

Another way to compute {M(x)} is via number theory not via complexity theory. This is what Thompson does—with no unproved assumption about {P} and {\#P}.

She proves this main result in her paper—this is the paper we previously cited.

Theorem 2 There is an algorithm that computes {M(x)} in time

\displaystyle  O_{\epsilon}(x^{\delta} \log^{\delta+\epsilon} x).

Here {\delta=3/5} and the constant in {O_{\epsilon}} depends on {\epsilon>0}.

Note the time used is {x} to some power. Before on the assumption that {P=\#P} we get that the time is polynomial in {\log x}.

The proof is non-trivial. In order to give some idea we will give a few comments. Standard identities allow one to write,

\displaystyle  M(x) = 2M(\sqrt{x}) - \sum \mu(m_1)\mu(m_2),


\displaystyle  m_1,m_2 \le \sqrt{x}.

The insight is to look hardest at those values

\displaystyle  m_1,m_2 \le x^{2/5}.

Their summary of what happens next:

Our approach in Section 4 roughly amounts to analyzing the difference between reality and a model that we obtain via Diophantine approximation, in that we show that this difference has a simple description in terms of congruence classes and segments. This description allows us to compute the difference quickly, in part by means of table lookups.

As often, we say to see the full paper for the details. Or you can follow her talk either in Spanish or in English:

The proof is clever and there seems to be no way to improve it to anything near what we get via complexity theory. Of course we can only do that in the presence of a very strong conjecture:

\displaystyle  \mathsf{P = \#P}.

But what she could do was to implement the algorithm in her joint paper. The computation ran on a many-core machine for weeks. It gets {M(x)} for {x \le 10^{22}}.

This is one advantage of algorithms that do not rely on unproved conjectures. They can actually be implemented and executed.

Open Problems

Is there a richer fount for open problems than number theory?

Scott Wins a Prize

April 15, 2021

Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense—Roger Penrose

Scott Answers Big Questions source

Scott Aaronson has just been named the 2020 ACM Prize in Computing for groundbreaking contributions to quantum computing, Penrose’s comment notwithstanding. The prize citation also credits Scott’s multifaceted public outreach for making our fields accessible to many.

Today Ken and I send congrats to Scott for this singular honor.
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Wobble in the Standard Model

April 12, 2021

Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future—Niels Bohr

Boston Globe “Uncertainty” source

Lisa Randall is a professor of theoretical physics at Harvard. Her research has touched on many of the basic questions of modern physics: supersymmetry, Standard Model observables, cosmological inflation, baryogenesis, grand unified theories, and general relativity. She has also written popular books about her work and science in general. Thus she has a handle on aspects of science that overlap my expertise—not to mention those of her sister Dana Randall, whom I have known as a colleague for many years.

Today, Ken and I thought we would talk about recent developments in particle physics, and their connection to two topics dear to us.
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Relaxing the Primes

April 6, 2021

Although the prime numbers are rigidly determined, they somehow feel like experimental data—Tim Gowers

Finnish Scientific Courage Award source

Kaisa Matomäki is a Finnish mathematician working in number theory. She has some terrific results on prime numbers—results that have won several important prizes including the 2021 Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize: It is presented to a woman who has made an outstanding contribution to mathematics research. The prize citation specifically mentions a 2015 paper with Maksym Radziwill that contributed to Terence Tao’s resolution of the Erdős discrepancy problem—and indeed we highlighted Tao’s followup work with her and Radziwill in our 2015 post on this.

Today, Ken and I thought we would combine one of her new deep theorems with some shallow observations.
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Computer Science Gets Noted

April 1, 2021

All non-metallic UK currency to feature Computing and Data Science pioneers

Cropped from BBC source

Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace will be reunited. Their work on designing and programming a computing device, a century before any machine was built, is being honored by their appearance on the reverse of the 5-pound note in a new series authorized by the Bank of England. Royal Statistical Society Fellow Florence Nightingale will appear on the 10, EDSAC creator Maurice Wilkes on the 20, and Alan Turing on the 50.

Today, April 1, we are delighted to convey this news and show previews of the banknotes.
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All The News That Fits We Print

March 30, 2021

The New York Times is a great newspaper: it is also No Fun—Molly Ivins

The Gray Lady, as the New York Times is usually called, believes in her real slogan:

All the news that’s fit to print.

This slogan started about 115 years ago, and is on the masthead of the paper.

Today I thought, for something different, we would supply just news.
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Congrats Avi and Laci on the Abel Prize

March 26, 2021

The joy of knowing, understanding, and creating is common to all the sciences.—Vera Sós.

Dorit Aharonov is a researcher in quantum computation. She was a Ph.D. student of Michael Ben-Or and Avi Wigderson. Her 1999 thesis, entitled “Noisy Quantum Computation,” included her role with Ben-Or as one of several superposed groups who discovered the quantum fault tolerance threshold theorem.

Today Ken and I wish to send our congratulations to Avi and Laci—László Lovász—on winning the 2021 Abel Prize.
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Moby Dick Meet Theory

March 23, 2021

People seem to be afraid of mathematics. And I think that’s such a shame, because I don’t think it’s as hard as people seem to think it is. —Heidi Hammel

Sarah Hart holds a chair that dates back to 1597—Gresham Professor of Geometry at Birkbeck, University of London. She is a British mathematician specialising in group theory. The British modifier is redundant since I spelled specialising with a “s” not a “z”:

Today’s British English spellings mostly follow Samuel Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language (1755), while many American English spellings follow Webster’s An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828).

Today we will discuss history, making history, and more.
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Closing an Erdős Problem

March 19, 2021

Whatever the problem, be part of the solution. Don’t just sit around raising questions and pointing out obstacles.—Tina Fey

Daniela Kühn is the Mason Professor in Mathematics at the University of Birmingham. She works in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. She has many honors, including giving an invited lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2014.

Today I thought we should look at a new result of hers.

By the way, as I wrote this draft, I was excited to see that it was the second time we highlighted a researcher from Bi*ngham*. Previously we highlighted Jessica Fridrich, from Binghamton University. OK, they are different places, in different countries, but the closeness in edit distance caught my eye.

Kühn says here:

Recently I have focused on sufficient conditions for Hamilton cycles in directed graphs, i.e. cycles which contain all the vertices of the directed graph. It is unlikely that there is a good characterization of all (directed) graphs containing a Hamilton cycle since the corresponding decision problem is NP-complete. So it is natural to ask for sufficient conditions for the existence of a Hamilton cycle.

Here is her paper on degree sequences on directed graphs that force Hamilton cycles. It is joint with Deryk Osthus and Andrew Treglown.

The Conjecture

Paul Erdős is known for his conjectures as well as his countless results. Here are two of his open ones that are directly about graphs:

  1. The Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture on coloring unions of cliques.
  2. The Erdős-Hajnal conjecture that in a family of graphs defined by an excluded induced subgraph, every graph has either a large clique or a large independent set.

Of course math is tricky: A conjecture like the—

Erdős-Szekeres conjecture on the number of points needed to ensure that a point set contains a large convex polygon.

—could still be about graphs. Consider the graph that is {\dots}

Well, the conjecture (1) is now claimed to be solved, and so the list of open conjectures is one less. Kühn with co-authors Dong Yeap Kang, Tom Kelly, Abhishek Methuku, and Deryk Osthus have claimed to resolve it. I have no reason to doubt these top researchers—it’s just until it is refereed. Their paper is cleverly titled: A Proof Of The Erdős-Faber-Lovász Conjecture.

By the way: See this talk on the paper by Kühn’s co-author Abhishek Methuku on this coming Monday March 22, 2021, 14:00 UTC. To see the talk on zoom you need to know the first six primes. Here is some help:

This conjecture, now almost 50 years old, states that a graph that consists of complete graphs of size {n} that barely overlap can be colored with {n} colors. Here barely overlap is they have no edge in common.

That is: If {k} complete graphs, each having exactly {k} vertices, have the property that every pair of complete graphs has at most one shared vertex, then the union of the graphs can be properly colored with {k} colors. The following picture should help you understand the conjecture:

The conjecture can be stated various ways:
{\bullet} If {A_1,\dots, A_n} are sets of size {n} such that every pair of them shares at most one element, then the elements of each {A_i} can be colored by {n} colors so that all colors appear in each {A_i}.
{\bullet} If H is a linear hypergraph with {n} vertices, then the chromatic index of {H} is at most {n}.

The chromatic index of a hypergraph {H} is the smallest number of colors needed to color the edges of {H} so that any two edges that share a vertex have different colors.

Previous Results

While Kühn’s paper solves the conjecture, there were many partial results before. These prefer to view the conjecture as one about hypergraphs.

A linear hypergraph (also known as partial linear space) is a hypergraph with the property that every two hyperedges have at most one vertex in common. A hypergraph is said to be uniform if all of its hyperedges have the same number of vertices as each other. The {n} cliques of size {n} in the Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture may be interpreted as the hyperedges of an {n}-uniform linear hypergraph that has the same vertices as the underlying graph. In this language, the Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture states that, given any {n}-uniform linear hypergraph with {n} hyperedges, one may {n}-color the vertices such that each hyperedge has one vertex of each color.

A simple hypergraph is a hypergraph in which at most one hyperedge connects any pair of vertices and there are no hyperedges of size at most one. In the graph coloring formulation of the Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture, it is safe to remove vertices that belong to a single clique, as their coloring presents no difficulty; once this is done, the hypergraph that has a vertex for each clique, and a hyperedge for each graph vertex, forms a simple hypergraph. And, the hypergraph dual of vertex coloring is edge coloring. Thus, the Erdős-Faber-Lovász conjecture is equivalent to the statement that any simple hypergraph with {n} vertices has chromatic index (edge coloring number) at most {n}.

{\bullet } William Chang and Gene Lawler in their paper proved one of the first bounds. The goal is {n} and they prove {3/2n}.

Call a hypergraph simple if for any pair {u, v} of distinct vertices, there is at most one edge incident to both {u} and {v}, and there are no edges incident to exactly one vertex. A conjecture of Erdős, Faber and Lovász is equivalent to the statement that the edges of any simple hypergraph on {n} vertices can be colored with at most {n} colors. We present a simple proof that the edges of a simple hypergraph on {n} vertices can be colored with at most {3/2n} colors.

{\bullet } Jeff Kahn showed that the bound could be improved to {n + o(n)} colors in this paper.

Open Problems

See Gil Kalai for his wonderful comments on this paper of Kühn and her co-authors.

Of course we congratulate Laci plus Avi Wigderson on winning the 2021 Abel Prize. We will write more about this in an upcoming post.