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wanderection's Journal

Wand Erection
Posting Access:
Select Members , Moderated
One Direction

Welcome to wanderection! We love One Direction. Chances are, we'll love you. Join us! You can post news, pictures, articles, videos, whatever your heart desires. If you have a tumblr, you can follow us at FuckYeahWandErection!

• Do not flame or bash other members.
• Posts should be One Direction-related.
• No hotlinking.
• Please, no introduction posts.
• Check the tags before requesting something.
• Provide a link for embedded content.
• If you know your post will disrupt members' friends page, it must be behind an
LJ cut.
• Promoting must be approved by a mod.
• If you do not like a comment left in your entry, do not delete it. The mods will decide what is inappropriate.

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bakeries, bromance, cats, cheeky, close your mouth niall, curly styles, fruit off zayn's body, harry, harry's blinking, i'm tired it's wintah, in bed with harry, larry stylinson, liam, liam stans america, liam's audition strut, louis, louis lipsyncs getoverit, niall, niall is irish, one direction, picturesque, robbie will-e-ums, shoulder jolts, special k thebestwaytostartaday, staring into your soul, text talk, unofficial 6th member aiden, vas happenin, we love frank, when curls take over, zayn, zayn the human echo
