Dr. Vijay Pal Memorial Library

Dr. Vijay Pal Memorial Library

Will be closed in 9 hour. 26 min.

Dr. Vijay Pal Memorial Library belongs to the section that consists of Cultural places. Company is rated 4.2 by NiceLocal users and provides its services near the Keshav Puram station by the official address: C-7, Keshav Puram, Delhi — 110035.

Geographic system coordinates are: longitude — 77°7′6.71′′E (77.118533), latitude — 28°41′30.48′′N (28.691803).

Dr. Vijay Pal Memorial Library is open for business by this schedule: Daily: 07:30 - 21:30. You can find out more by dialing a number: 911170447597.

If you've been to this place before, you may want to put together a review in «Reviews» section to express your opinion about Dr. Vijay Pal Memorial Library.

Phone number
+91 (11) 704-4... — show +91 (981) 389-... — show
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to UG Madipur — 1.7 km
Working hours
Daily: 07:30—21:30
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7 photos Dr. Vijay Pal Memorial Library

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Reviews about Dr. Vijay Pal Memorial Library

  /  65 ratings
All reviews 34
  • Arvind Kumar Dua February 19, 2021, 8:09 am via Google
    Good facility and wide range of books
  • ferb tool February 2, 2021, 12:47 pm via Google
    I went there today (12/jan/2021), library gate was open after so many months, but I asked the sir there and he said it's not open for students come again in February for any further update. So it's still closed, for information everything else is open in this country…bars were the first to open. Students can wait like always but liquor can't, who cares for education… it's boring!! But this is the best library with its staff nearby, hope they open it soon…

    Update(2/2/2021): Not open yet b
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  • How can I find Dr. Vijay Pal Memorial Library?
  • What is the phone number for Dr. Vijay Pal Memorial Library?
  • How high is the average user score of this place?
Average rating - 4.2 based on 34 reviews and 65 ratings