sunnymodffa: (OriginalMaleDog riding Original Pony)
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I understand. You found paradise on meme. You had a good wank, you made a good memeing. The mods protected you and there were critters. So you didn't need a friend like me. Now you come and say "Nonnie, help me get to the next post." But you don't ask with respect. You don't offer friendship. You don't even think to call me "Anon." You come into my house on the day my pony is to be married and you say, "The toP and bottom threads make slash fans sound so silly, and femslash fandom is superior for not having it and treating it as a character trait. Stop proving Freud right."

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- Only one catch-all 'Disruptive and Provocative Opinions' thread is allowed per post.
- The 6500 comment limit is now permanent; 'which topics belong on main meme' wank remains banned.

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UK Politics & Brexit discussion should go in one top-level thread that's clearly named.

All discussion of sexual abuse and rape culture should go in one thread.

COVID-19: Can now be discussed on main meme. Topics about the pandemic in the US & UK need to go to the threads about those countries. If it's personal, it still goes to the PP. Any attempt at wank will be frozen.

US Politics is back in its own separate post. Discussion of US politics related sexual abuse and rape culture should go into one properly labeled thread there.

Post 1500 prompt & fill fest! OPEN now for PROMPTS and FILLS! There is a prompts index and a fills index.

Re: Cnovels - The TGCF plagerizing drama cont.

Date: 2021-03-31 03:24 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)

The fandom was already very big pre-manhua, pre-donghua. Suika doing a daily chapter update really helped to hype it up. There was tons of fanart, P4P etc. in English-speaking fandom on Twitter. (Not sure about Tumblr)

Re: Cnovels - The TGCF plagerizing drama cont.

Date: 2021-03-31 08:08 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
I don't think many people knew about the daily chapters since she was only advertising it in her small circle of friends. As far as I knew the whole thing just popped up fully translated on Novel Updates one day to a lot of people's shock and surprise.

I know one of the other slower translators was pretty salty about it because they had no idea that Suika's translation existed, and felt the whole thing popping up at once took interest away from their version.

Re: Cnovels - The TGCF plagerizing drama cont.

Date: 2021-03-31 09:45 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
Do you mean Sakhyu? Didn't she take a very long break during her translation and that was what prompted the other translation to be more public?

Re: Cnovels - The TGCF plagerizing drama cont.

Date: 2021-03-31 06:05 pm (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)
It was the Deep Dream one. They picked up from where Sakhyu left off, did a couple more chapters and then Suika's got publicized.

They're continuing because readers said they wanted multiple versions to reference, but it's still demoralizing.

Re: Cnovels - The TGCF plagerizing drama cont.

Date: 2021-04-01 04:30 am (UTC)
From: (Anonymous)

I wasn't Suika's friend at that time, but if I recall she started posting translations under the idea of "please suffer with me" and the post/translation blew up. TGCF was big before it got fully translated on NU. I'm pretty active on danmei Twitter though, YMMV.

The other translator was Maru, doing it with Sakhyu iirc, and this happened before TGCF was complete.