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my first ever podfic!

So, I got the go-ahead to post my podfic! I was incredibly lucky to be able to do leonidaslion's incredibly incredible work The Fetters of Fenrir. If you haven't read it--WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? In every fandom, I can pinpoint only a handful of fics that I couldn't stop reading, and this was one of them. This is one of the fics that pulled me into the SPN fandom and made it impossible for me to ever leave.

If you haven't read Fetters (or haven't heard of it), you should probably go and read the prequels first (and read the whole thing, as a matter of fact, because I'm sure my podfic doesn't do it the justice it deserves!). The first prequel is here and the master post is here. The prequels all feed off of the first link I gave, I believe.

This fic is explicitly Sam/Dean, and the author's warnings are in the master post, but I will recopy here just in case:

Title: The Fetters of Fenrir
Rating: NC-17 (language, sex, violence)
Characters: Dean, Sam, John, Bobby, Bela, Ash, Jo, Gordon, Creedy, Kubrick, Ellen, YED, Meg, Ruby and a Partridge in a Pear Tree
Pairing: Dean/Sam primarily; mention of Sam/Jess, Dean/OFCs, and Dean/OMCs
Spoilers: very, very vaguely for Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things; mythology but not actual plot points taken from up through Jus In Bello
Genre: drama, horror, AU of the AU berserker!verse (see Forward)
Warnings: graphic violence, character death (no, not the boys), forced prostitution, incest (see pairings); please see Forward for more in depth warnings of a sexual nature
Word Count: 200,319 ::whistles::
Disclaimer: Alas, but I own nothing. :(
Summary: How far would you go to reclaim the other half of your soul?

Now, leonidaslion's warnings apply to the fic, but I have some of my own in application to the podfic, mostly excusing me not being the world's greatest reader. This is my first podfic, so it does start off rough. It took me a while to learn how to actually read a fic so I could edit it later. I've edited all of the problems I could find, but it is 19.5 hours long, so I'm sure I missed a couple :/ All the recording and editing was done by me, so blame me for anything that's wrong!

Finally, if you haven't read all that leonidaslion has to offer, go to leonidasden right now and do so. You won't regret it.

HERE'S THE PODFIC. SORRY FOR RAMBLING. It's archived at audiofic.jinjurly.com for easy access, but let me know if you have any problems!

The Fetters of Fenrir
Length around 19.5 hours

The Fetters of Fenrir
The Fetters of Fenrir audiobook

(a big thank you to my bestie topsyturvy who encouraged me throughout the entire process. this one's for you, bb. also, a huge thanks to cybel for creating the audiobook and archiving it for me!)

awesome. This is one of favorite fics.

mine too! that's why i did it :) i hope you like it!

Wow, that's some fic to choose as your first podfic. I'm in awe!!

I adore Fetters and am really looking forward to listening to it. :)

i always take on big projects when i'm feel over-zealous and i'm too stubborn to quit! i hope you like it! it might be rough at the beginning, but i promise it gets better ;)

OMG! It is so exciting to see this has been podfic'd! I listened to the epic Disturbia verse and then did as you suggested and started reading leo's other fics. This one is a great story! I can't wait to listen. :)

i need to listen to disturbia, which is one of my absolute favorite stories ever! i hope this podfic works for you! thanks for the comment :D

Oh, eee, I'm totally looking forward to listening to this one! \o/ And 19+ hours for your first ever recording? Wow! *___*

ooh, i hope it lives up to your expectations! or that it's at least listenable *g* and it took a long time to record, but i'm supremely stubborn and refused to give up. one of my character flaws ;)

thanks for the comment!

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ooh, thank you for the comment! i love fetters so much, so i was really excited that i was able to do it as my first podfic. incidentally, i was inspired to record fic after listening to about a jillion podfics on my own, some of which you excellently recorded, so i guess you are indirectly partially responsible for this! hope you enjoy!

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snag away! i hope you like it!! (thanks for commenting :D)

Oh my god! Just yesterday evening, I thought how awesome it would be to have Fetters as an audiofic and this morning, I see this ♥!

Thank you!

yay! i must be psychic *g* hope you enjoy and thanks for the comment!

wow, just wow. This is one amazing 1st podfic! Thank you so much :)

thank YOU for commenting. i was so happy to be able to podfic one of my favorite fics ever, so i'm so, so glad that people are happy to listen to it :D

That was actually the longest podfic I've ever heard and I have to say that you did well. Very well.

I am so impressed and excited to listen to your recording of one of my favorite stories. But, wow what a huge undertaking for your first ever podfic! :) I'm glad the bug bit you too, you couldn't have picked a better story with which to be initiated into the world of podfic.
Podfic is such a wonderful way to rediscover favorite fics and fall in love with new ones. There is something so fresh about seeing something through another persons perspective, I sometimes find that a reader brings a new element to a story that I might of missed reading it on my own.
I cannot wait to listen, and be carried along on this amazing journey with you- Thank you.

omigosh, thank you so much. i love listening to podfics, and recording one was something that i'm so glad i decided to do because i had an absolute blast and am really excited to keep doing it once i finish with some of my big bang commitments. fetters was really my introduction into spn, so i thought i couldn't pick a better fic to start with :)

on another note, your recording of disturbia (which i was so hugely impressed that you did, btw!) is at the very top of my list of things to listen to. i'm so excited to be able to hear your take on one of my most favorite fics ever, but i think i need to prepare myself for the huge heaping of angst :)

thanks for the comment!

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thanks for the comment! it did take a really long time, but it was worth it in the end!

Oh. My. God. I don't know if enjoying is the right word, because its so grim and painful, but I'm downloading part 2 right now and I'm completely *enthralled*. I downloaded without reading the summary or anything, and in the beginning when I thought D was actually dead, I cried. Srsly. Cried.

Thank you soooo much for recording this. What an epic task!

omigosh, thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying my recording! Fetters was absolutely the first epic fic i read in the fandom, and when i decided to try my hand at podficcing, i knew i wanted to do fenrir first.

Thanks for the comment!

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thank you so much for the comment! you know, halfway through recording this, i was pretty sure i'd gotten over my head lol. but fenrir was THE fic that got me into fandom, and when i found out no one had asked to record it yet, i knew i had to do it. it took a long time, but i finally finished it. and comments like this make it all worth it :) thanks so much! i'm glad you liked it.