Gepost door: johnkuhles1966 | januari 28, 2010

John Kuhles

Hello, my name is John Kuhles, born in 1966, live in Netherlands, am an independent ‘Detective Like’ NWO and UFO-researcher for 20 years now.

As Security-Officer on duty I had my First UFO-encounter was on 15-July-1990 1.40 AM. I filmed an UFO twice 1991 & 1992, one making 90 degree turn and the other was a successful ‘CE-5 initiative’ thanks to CE-5 Protocols (Google it), that changed my life forever… also my Near Death Experience (NDE) when i was 5 year old, created a different view on our so called ”education” system + our ”free” mainstream media.

Organized several International UFO-conferences in Amsterdam, all sold-out! (first 1992 was 550, second 1100 people in 1994 when we amongst others invited David Icke to speak!) Gave 80+ UFO-lectures, learned from Military, Police, Pilots who had UFO-encounters in Holland & Belgium.

Was co-founder of Contact Network International (CNI) with ‘Exposure Magazine!’ (later ‘Frontier Magazine’ because David M. Summers went back to Australia) in that capacity I personally met (filmed + interviewed) David Icke in 1994 + 1996 and Bill Cooper in 1993 Wembley Arena London Conference ‘Global Deception’ where my colleague also gave a lecture on the New World Order Agenda. BOTH were very inspirational for me, to become even more pro-active info-warrior 🙂

Been on Dutch National TV (talking about NWO Mafia, UFOs & ”Real X Files”) over 22 times, 80+ Local TV and 2 times on CNN Live.

1992-1996: had my own 2 hour Live Radio Talk Shows called ‘Exposure Radio Live’ – 1 year later also: ‘Exposure TV’ on local TV Amsterdam, did also sub-title translation work.

Gave several workshops (1996-1998) with the title ‘Finding your Missing Link’ – using my ‘Alien Atlantean Symbols’ to connect indigo ‘star’-people!

Making Alternative Media on internet 1999-2009, uploading self made (24+ Hours) Free RealVideo’s long before VideoGoogle and YouTube existed.

Interviewed (most live) over 100 international authors, documentary makers, producers, web-masters, top-researchers in: suppressed inventions, alternative cures, secret projects, mind-control, secret societies, hidden history, forbidden archeology, exopolitics, ufo-research, ministry of defense, former MI-6, also Professors like John E. Mack etc. More info see:

Soon: Exomatrix Media ‘Conspiracy’ Highlighting News, a Dutch-English network of 27+ independent Free Thinkers, all have pieces of the puzzle, mostly ignored by mainstream media.

Narrow minded absolutists ‘truths’ interfere our Spiritual Evolution! Planting Seeds of Considerations is our motto.

Radiating True Freedom (from the heart) without the need to control others, will inspire others, anything else does the opposite.

In many vital subjects mainstream media and mainstream science has failed in our opinion, which deserve much better and honest attention + treatment.

We do not have to agree with each other, because we are all unique and can be complementary + inspirational to each other.

HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL contents of ExomatrixTV or Exomatrix Media ‘Conspiracy’ Highlighting News will always subjective, but we feel it is time for a different kind of ‘fast news’, always giving credits + mentioning sources. Judge for yourself if they are just ‘only’ conspiracy ‘theories’ or conspiracy-facts.

John Kuhles

I am not a (neo) nazi, not interested in their activities, unless it (can) affect me, so that i can deal with it.

I am not a skinhead, i love my hair.

I am not a (radical) left-wing, am not (radical) right-wing, they are both wings of the same bird called corporatism induced systems.

I am not (interested in promoting) pro or antisemitism.

I am not a racist, I deeply feel-sense-know that all of humanity are not born bad/evil.

I am not a (inter) nationalist, ‘New World Order’ Mafia Agenda use same tactics, stepping stones as the ‘Nue Welt Ordnung’ of Nazi Germany 1913-1940

I am not a slave of god or any religion, a real Prime Creator does not need any worship (human-based concept). I ‘sense-feel-know’ that there must be a Prime Creator that is beyond our limited comprehension, anyone who tries to describe the indescribable ‘The Prime Creator’ is limiting it with their own perception … the only thing that really makes sense is, that everything that comes FROM it, is OF it … like sparks of a fire, we have the free will to connect to the divine Source (‘All that is’, OMNI-present) or to disconnect by CHOICE every day !

I am not a believer of ANY (man-made) religion, but I ‘sense-feel-know’ that there must be a Prime Creator that is beyond our limited comprehension, anyone who tries to describe the indescribable ‘The Prime Creator’ is limiting it with their own perception … the only thing that really makes sense is, that everything that comes FROM it, is OF it … like sparks of a fire, we have the free will to connect to the divine Source (‘All that is’, OMNI-present) or to disconnect by CHOICE every day !

I am not addicted to any drugs except coffee 😉  There are natural ways of boosting your spirit/soul, like circular breathing techniques, having mind-altering effects without any side effects, only that you have access to awareness that was blocked by not breathing well for so long.

I am not an atheist they also have dogmatic believe system to defend.

I am not a satanist or a ‘luciferian’ … and no, I am not the “anti-christ” either … but i am aware of those who are worshiping it and understand the consequences if we (willfully) ignore their agenda.

I am not a communist or fascist both are totalitarian Orwellian based systems that is doomed to collapse anyway.

I am not a fanatic, but my passion, commitment and dedication can be perceived as ‘above average’  …

I am not a criminal, unless corruptable and/or hijacked government (corporate puppets) criminalizing real solutions like suppressed inventions (google Hemp Revolution) & alternative cures, google: ‘when healing becomes a crime’)

I am not a “terrorist”, the only real Terror on Freedom is done by corrupt governments. (Google ‘corporatism’)

I am not a (brilliant) pessimist, that uses their creative (potential) intelligence to use arguments to STAY passive … rather want to use my creative (potential) intelligence to be Pro-Active …

John Kuhles

Where I grew up
Geleen, Limburg, Holland, Netherlands
Places I’ve lived
Geleen, Lisse, Oegstgeest, Amsterdam,; Almelo, Zoetermeer , Haarlem, Leiden,; Zoetermeer , Egmond Binnen
Companies I’ve worked for
DSM, Volvo, NS, Prof Data Naarden, Randstad Bewaking,; Shell Amsterdam, Mobil Amsterdam, Shell Leiden; Radio & TV Host, Local ‘Exposure Radio’ & ‘Exposure TV’ Amsterdam,; Co-Founder CNI (Contact Network International), Co-Founder Frontier Magazine; Co-Founder Exposure Magazine, Speaker (80+ Lectures),; Organizing International Conferences (all were sold out),; UFO Researcher & ‘Mystery Detective’,; Author (2009), WebMaster 1999-212,; Writer, Programmer, Web Designer,; Playing Djembee & Digiridoo,; Adio-Video Editor, Visionary Artists,; Workshop leader, Dutch National TV Spokesman,
Schools I’ve attended
Mavo 4D – (geslaagd), ZLS Laboratorium (MBO) 2 jaar,; ISI-Project (MBO) Computer Opleiding, geslaagd,; Beveiligings Opleiding, BOA (Bijzonder Opsporing Ambtenaar) geslaagd,; ECABO (MBO), EHBO (NS),; Shell Levensreddend Handelen Certificaat,; Video Editing Cursus,; Tai Kwon Do (Full Contact),; Deep Insights from (Alien?) Timetravellers
Other names
Exomatrix, EXOMATRlXTV, Loganrun
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