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Carvel Rock, Caneel Bay

#14 of 14 in Nature in St. John
Geologic Formation · Hidden Gem · Reef
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Carvel Rock is located in St. John. To visit Carvel Rock and other attractions in Caneel Bay, use our Caneel Bay travel route planner.
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5 reviews
  • Cruised by Carvel Rock on the way back from Jost Van Dyke. Interesting rock formation that used to be a cannon target. It's a good place for rare pelagic birds like boobies, tropic birds, noddies... 
    Cruised by Carvel Rock on the way back from Jost Van Dyke. Interesting rock formation that used to be a cannon target. It's a good place for rare pelagic birds like boobies, tropic birds, noddies...  more »
  • I'm a boat captain and scuba instructor on St. John. I've logged over 2,000 dives in the VI alone (and probably close to 3,500 worldwide). Carvel is one of my favorite local spots! Not for the true....  more
    I'm a boat captain and scuba instructor on St. John. I've logged over 2,000 dives in the VI alone (and probably close to 3,500 worldwide). Carvel is one of my favorite local spots! Not for the true....  more »
  • Went Cliff diving off the east side. What a rush! Can only go when the water is super flat so that the bow of your boat can pull right up to the face of the rock. On the east/south point there is a... 
    Went Cliff diving off the east side. What a rush! Can only go when the water is super flat so that the bow of your boat can pull right up to the face of the rock. On the east/south point there is a...  more »

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