


^That'd be the feat. Seems like he moves about 0.3-0.5 meters in the time that travels about... 4-5 meters?

Not doing a calc yet, just kind of putting this here as a placeholder.

The beam should at least be as fast as this, given continuous beam laser technology consistently fires at much higher speeds than blaster/cannon fire in Star Wars as it is.

So you've got a fairly solid middle end massively hypersonic speed feat at least.


I figure you could feasibly argue that it's legitimately the speed of light though. Sans the whole being able to see it property and possibly the reflecting off the lightsaber bit (though the way it behaves upon reflecting off the lightsaber is akin to how light would act as far as I can tell though) it behaves more like a real world laser weapon than any other weapon in the mythos I've observed. It burns as opposed to explodes (this explosion not considered... given that's more a fault of the laser hammering something in the weapon to cause it to explode as opposed to the laser causing the explosion), it's a continuous beam, and seems to reflect off of reflective surfaces (which I suppose you can consider a lightsaber to be one in the context of Star Wars) as light typically displays itself too.