The Museum

Mick's Whips, Crocodile and stock whips Museum

Meet Mick

Visit us near Darwin

“The Whip Museum” focuses primarily on whips! Stock whips, bull whips, bullocky whips, jockey whips, whips for corporal punishment, whip making tools, and how whips are made.

We’ve also got displays of whip paintings and a crocodile catching exhibit. And of course the “World’s Largest Stockwhip”!

Northern Territory

Give us a call

Check out our Museum, just 45 minutes from Darwin. Why not make a day of it and visit the beautiful Berry Springs Nature Park and Territory Wildlife Park, or grab lunch at the Berry Springs Tavern. Please phone 08 8988 6400 for an appointment. COSTS
  • Family $20
  • Adults $10
  • Children under 16 $5
Somethings Going On