Book Report:

The Monstor at the End of This Book

Today I were trying to think of a book to write a report on at the last minute like a good honors student, and I think to meself, what about the most majorest honorsish book of all? Why dont write a best book report on a book that is the best? Why not I write a book report on The Monstor at the End of This Book? So I did.

This book is good cauz it is funny. Some dude writes it. I don’t know who. Don’t matter. Anyway, its about some grover dude. He is skeered. He thinks hes gonna DIE cauz the monstor at the end of the book will eat him. So I keep turning the page and he keeps going STOP TURNING THE PAGES!!! and I keep turning the pages anyway and he get more and more nervous and yells more and more and then finally get to the end of the book and dang if HE ain’t the monstor at the end of the book! Dude, it wuz funny.

This book are very pertaining to honors education cauz we all like have to confront the monstor of life. SOCEITY!!!! Soceity is the monstor!!!! And…CIVILIZATION! And…FOOD!!! Cauz food makes people turn into monstors. Look at big foot. He don’t have no food and he just turns into like a monstor, no what I’m sayin? Probly just some dude that decided to rough it out in the woods and then he don’t have no food and he just gets all hairy and stuff and then he gets all pist and then people think dudeman is some monstor or something. So thats all I got to say so read the book.

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