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The Bank Museum

Extrait-Loi-Guillaume-III Guichet-Old Guichet-New Cours-internationaux Grande-salle-1 Grande-salle-2 Grande-salle-3 Machines-Couloir
Banking tradition and innovation

Embark on a journey of discovery covering over 150 years of banking tradition and innovation

The Bank Museum, situated in the former teller hall of the head office of Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, was opened in 1995 and covers an area of 650 m2 .

The items on display and the Bank Museum’s interactive terminals enable visitors to familiarise themselves with the development of the banking profession. They show how BCEE has evolved over time, its contribution to the economic development of Luxembourg and the services the bank offers today as a trailblazer in the financial sector.

Musée de la Banque

1, place de Metz
L-2954 Luxembourg

Open Monday to Friday form 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.
For group visits call (+352) 4015-2450 or contact .

Free entrance.